Art is as complex as how the heart of a human pumps blood to every organ of the body that functions differently, just as how a human can perceive various kinds of artistic inclinations. For a kid, it would take time for him to determine what kind of art he wants to pursue but as for me, I’ve come to realize the branches of art that my heart wanted to bloom. For 20 years, I saw myself in a room of creativity where I am free to explore my personal art in several mediums. At first, I am completely confined to performing arts as I harnessed my God-given talent and confidence throughout the years. But as I grew older, I later realized that I’m also producing a different form of art that I’ve also been acquiring since I became a teenager and that is my love for producing artistic pictures and video content that I’m continuously improving in my little space- my Instagram account.

Through this newly discovered art of mine, I was able to capture a new lens of art which is giving meaning to the small details of a thing for I’ve been fascinated with how small things are a huge part of a big structure. Such as the quote of John Wooden imply, ‘it’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.’ This statement is relevant to what I’ve perceived as my kind of art today. When we first knew things, we initially had in mind the bigger structure, and what meaning it conveys in the overall picture, but on the zoomed lens, this big picture is made up of smaller details with underlying meanings that are put together to make a subject.

This concept of art is solely inspired by what I see in the aesthetic world that is currently being hyped by the millennials and also by these influencers I choose to influence and hone my craft. I just use whatever is available in my means such as a camera of our family and my phone camera as well. I believe, an artist doesn’t start with grand and expensive materials, it always starts with what is available with their means for being grand isn’t the subject at all but rather the message that is present in an art form. My creativity has always been there ever since, and indeed overthinking helps me brainstorm and connect my thoughts from a draft. And from it, I will be able to make a piece solely from every bit of my right brain hemisphere which is the generator of our creativity.

And lastly, I always have this perception of art with the same philosophy of Leo Tolstoy, “Art plays a huge role in communication to its audience’s emotions that the artist previously experienced”. Our own principles are mastered with the experiences we had before which stimulates emotion in whatever we do. And with the art I am crafting, it is through life lesson experiences that I accumulated in which it is present to every small detail of my art that my heart wanted to communicate to my audiences. I believe, art is nothing with audiences’ emotions and art is meaningless without emotions.

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